Ranging from microbes that can get you sick to venomous sea snakes, there are many potential dangers in the Solomon Islands. Below are some important warnings that you should heed when traveling in the Solomon Islands. You should always practice common sense and, when in doubt, be conservative and be extra careful. The list below is NOT exhaustive, but it represents some of the most common potential hazards you will likely encounter.

Diseases. You will be exposed to many pathogens while traveling in a tropical country like the Solomons. Here are two links with additional and more detailed information: International SOS and Center for Disease Control. Please visit the CDC website prior to leaving for the Solomons for the most up-to-date information on diseases of the region. Note, as of this year (2013), there was an outbreak of Dengue fever in the capital of Honiara.


Malaria. Malaria is prevalant throughout the region, and so you should take malaria medications. Mefloquine and malarone are effective in the Solomons. PLEASE VISIT THE CDC WEBSITE AND DISCUSS YOUR OPTIONS WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN.

CDC website


Vaccinations. The CDC suggests vaccines for this region. You should consult with your physician.

Antibiotics. It is generally a good idea to take some antibiotics with you for emergencies. As we are in a remote region, it is advisable to talk to your physician and get advice about general antibiotics to take for this 3-week course.


Bacteria. Most travelers will get sick from drinking tap water or eating raw, unwashed food. So, only drink boiled or treated water, and avoid eating unwashed food and fruits. Sealed fruits, like bananas and mangos are safe to eat.

Fungal. As the tropics is moist, the likelihood of fungal diseases are very high.

Sun. The sun will be intense in the tropics, especially while we are traveling on open canoes. Always wear protective sunscreen or clothing to avoid sun burns.
Water. There will be ample opportunity for swimming and snorkeling. Students are required to know how to swim. When swimming, be aware of your surroundings and avoid swimming alone. Students are expected to wear floatation devices while in boats- no exceptions.
Animals. There are many animals that pose a threat to humans throughout the archipelago. Below is a list of the most common ones you are likely to encounter. Again, this is not exhaustive but only represent some of the most common dangerous animals you may encounter.
Crocodiles. There are many crocodiles throughout the Western Province, and we will likely encounter them from our canoes and in some lakes/shores. They swim in the lagoon and are abundant in marshy habitats and fresh water lakes. They are dangerous and you should never approach them. Be aware of your surroundings when hiking or swimming.
Sea snakes. Sea snakes are extremely venomous and you may encounter them when swimming or along beaches. Do not handle these snakes (or any snake for that matter). Sea snakes have a characteristic banding patterns (black and white, or black and yellow), and small eyes. Here is a link from theUniversity of Michigan's website with some information and pictures: Sea Snakes
Plants. Some plants can cause harmful stings when touched (e.g., nettles). We will point out which plants you should avoid touching while in the field.
While in Honiara. As in any country, be careful when traveling in the city and avoid situations that increase your likelihood of being targeted (e.g., pick pocket). For instance, do not walk in dark alleys late at night or walk alone at night. Try to travel in groups. Also, only use licensed taxis.